Best android app photo date stamp
Best android app photo date stamp

It’sextremely beneficial to watermark Date Time stamp on Pictures sowhile viewing them again after a year or two, you are stillconnected with those adorable memories of yours.Date and Time is also the most used Universal stamp as per ourstats and for the same we have enriched it with best laudablefeatures that you will love to use.

Best android app photo date stamp manual#

Auto Stamper is the only application enriched with featureslike stamp color, format, positioning and size.☾ Check out some Appealing Features☽🌟 3-in-1 stamp package!➺ Only application in Play Store to give Date and Time, Signatureand GPS stamp in one Photo.🌟 Use Default Smartphone’s Camera➺ Snap Photographs as you normally do using your Inbuilt Camera andpreferred stamp will be inserted automatically.🌟 Cool Date and Font formats➺ Select from 50+ classic choices for Date Time and Signature stampformats to make your Photo look charming.🌟 Adjustable stamp positioning and size➺ Designate the location of stamp as well as its size in accordancewith your Image background🌟 Manual selection of stamp color➺ You will be served with the choice of almost all colors to stampon your Photo.✔ Date and Time stampAuto insert exquisite Date and Timestamp on your Photos easily andswiftly with #1 Rated stamping app in Google Play Store. Up to now, we have successfully stamped 95 million+Photographs of our beloved users.At a time, you can add up-to 3 custom stamps named Date andTimestamp, Signature stamp (Add a text to Photo) and GlobalPositioning System (GPS) / Geotag location stamp in a photo andsave it from fading away in the darkness of your albumsbackup.Previously, you may have tried several camera apps in photographyfor stamping but none of them would provide you the proficiency ofadding customized personal stamps to Images snapped with DefaultCamera. Capture Happy Moments of your Life and makethem enduring by adding opulent watermark stamps on images withAuto Stamper.

Best android app photo date stamp